Pink Fire Pointer March 2013

Rotten Blog Tour

I'm so excited to be part of the Rotten Blog Tour! Today I'm bring you a chance to win a copy of ROTTEN! Big thanks to Michael Northrop, Scholastic, and Savi from Book with Bite for inviting me to be part of the blog tour!

About Rotten by Michael Northrop

A troubled teen. A rescued Rottweiler. An unlikely friendship.

Jimmer "JD" Dobbs is back in town after spending the summer "upstate." No one believes his story about visiting his aunt, and it's pretty clear that he has something to hide. It's also pretty clear that his mom made a new friend while he was away---a rescued Rottweiler that JD immediately renames Johnny Rotten (yes, after that guy in the Sex Pistols). Both tough but damaged, JD and Johnny slowly learn to trust each other, but their newfound bond is threatened by a treacherous friend and one snap of Johnny's powerful jaws. As the secrets JD has tried so hard to keep under wraps start to unravel, he suddenly has something much bigger to worry about: saving his dog.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Kick Butt Characters Hop

I want to welcome Ellen Oh who is interviewing Susan Kim and Laurence Klavan!

Interview with Susan Kim and Laurence Klavan Authors of Wasteland

Welcome to the Wasteland. Where all the adults are long gone, and now no one lives past the age of nineteen. Susan Kim and Laurence Klavan’s post-apocalyptic debut is the first of a trilogy in which everyone is forced to live under the looming threat of rampant disease and brutal attacks by the Variants —hermaphroditic outcasts that live on the outskirts of Prin. Esther thinks there’s more to life than toiling at harvesting, gleaning, and excavating, day after day under the relentless sun, just hoping to make it to the next day. But then Caleb, a mysterious stranger, arrives in town, and Esther begins to question who she can trust. As shady pasts unravel into the present and new romances develop, Caleb and Esther realize that they must team together to fight for their lives and for the freedom of Prin.

Ello - This is one horrible and brutal world you guys have created! You’ve got this world where there are no adults, only children, and you throw in strange hermaphroditic creatures called the variants. How did this all come to you?

SK: Actually, it started as an idea Laurence had a few years ago and grew from there. We both grew up in families where the kids lived in a very separate world from the adults; honestly, on weekends and after school, I would just head out the door and not come back until dinnertime. During the summer, I would be gone all day. Unsupervised kid world is incredibly different from the supervised kind; there are all kind of crazy power dynamics, superstitions, big personalities, strange alliances, and a certain magic that occurs when adults aren’t watching and you’re not reporting back to them. But it can also be a little scary, lonely, and intense. Those are just some of the feelings that lie at the bottom of this book, beneath the futuristic dystopian trappings.

LK: Only living until you’re nineteen is also a metaphor for everybody’s teenage years, which can seem a complete lifetime in themselves, for good and for bad. There’s an intensity during them that comes only once. Some people say, thank god. I’m more positive about it.

Ello - Now you two have been writing together for a while. How did you first start writing together and how do you make it work?

SK: We were both writers long before we started working together: Laurence more with fiction and me with TV. And we both write plays; we first met at a theatre conference. We didn’t consciously set out to write together; we were having dinner one night and I was talking about an elderly friend of mine who grew up in NYC during the 2nd World War. Laurence immediately said, “that would make a great screenplay!” And we just stayed there late talking it out, taking notes on the paper tablecloth. And that became our first graphic novel.

LK: The process usually works this way: we outline it together, very thoroughly. Then we divvy up sections and write them. Then we switch off and each rewrites the other, with a lot of screaming and crying. That’s a joke: it’s just a little screaming and crying. We do several drafts that way. Finally, by the end, we’re reading it word for word, side by side.

SK: Of course, that makes it sound easy… the actual writing-together part was (and is) hard! I like to say that the ideal co-author has four traits: talent, professionalism, sanity, and discipline. A good sense of humor doesn’t hurt, either! Having worked with people who have only had one or two, I’m thrilled to be with Laurence, who has all five. (I hope he thinks I come close, too!)

LK: Now I have to say so. But it’s true!

Ello – How different has it been writing YA versus screenplays and your graphic novels?

LK: Writing YA fiction is harder, to be honest. Graphic novels are scripts and mostly about the story and the structure: no audience will ever read your stage directions. In other words, they don’t have to be that well written! But in a novel, every word is going to be read by a stranger. So all the words have to be good. And when two writers have to agree on every word, it can be, to use a pleasant euphemism, challenging.

SK: See what I mean? Collaboration is really hard, especially in fiction!

Ello - I LOVE Caleb and Esther! They are such fantastic characters! But let’s talk about Esther first. I love that she is this normal rebellious teen acting out in this harsh world. It felt right to me, even to the point that it causes her grave troubles. And her relationship with her older sister, Sarah, who seems so pious at first, but then ends up being quite complicated, felt real to me. Sarah had that right blend of older sister, mothering aspect and Esther was the typical rebellious younger sibling. I liked seeing that normalcy, but then the consequences were intense and severe.

SK: For the record, I actually have a very close relationship with my sister. (She’s a children’s librarian, by the way… which means we always have plenty to talk about!) But there is something about the Esther/Sarah thing that’s very close to my heart. I guess it’s no surprise that I identify mostly with Esther – her impatience, her rebellion – but I also know what it’s like to care so deeply about someone, your love can comes across as controlling and judgmental. What’s most moving to me is that these two have so much in common, yet are so busy acting out and feeling victimized, they don’t get to open up and realize that they’re allies for a very long time. That strikes me as a very familiar and sad dynamic in so many families…

LK: That was the point, of course, to show identifiable feelings in an extreme environment. You’d still be yourself, after all, even in a world like this. And it was intentional not to make Esther a super-hero. We like super-heroes, but it seemed more interesting to make her fight herself, as well as other people. And to screw up, as well as succeed.

Ello – Ok now turning to Caleb. First of all, I want to say that Wasteland read like a post-apocalyptic western to me. I kept picturing Caleb as a young Clint Eastwood. Were you guys thinking western?

LK: Well, we don’t like to reveal the trade secrets of how we get inspired—mostly so we don’t get self-conscious about it—but the movies and books Susan and I have seen and read definitely came into play, including Westerns. If you pictured Clint Eastwood, that’s great, though I’d prefer a better actor. No offense to Clint.

SK: The fact is, we both read a lot, and we also watch a lot of movies and plays. And together, we have kind of eclectic tastes: everything from Westerns, literary fiction, romantic comedies, children’s literature, classic cinema, horror, documentaries, poetry, Hong Kong action movies, biographies, 70s dramas. We always talk about what we’ve just read or watched, too… and after a while, it all just kind of seeps into and informs your work. So it’s really kind of a mishmash of many influences.

Ello – Caleb is a really complicated character. Not the clear good guy, which again, reminded me of Clint Eastwood in his spaghetti westerns. I loved that about him.

LK: With Caleb, we were working in the tradition of the male anti-hero, characters who used to be common in movies and books. These guys were both good and bad; as opposed to today, where characters tend to be either/or. (Except on cable TV, where characters are allowed to have more gray areas.) If you start a hero with real flaws or even villainous aspects, then it’s more dramatic when you see the better side of him. We wanted Esther (and maybe the reader) to have real misgivings about Caleb, so her journey toward him would be more interesting.

SK: Exactly. It’s not only more dramatic, it’s more interesting.

Ello – So I find it near impossible to talk about your bad guy, Levi, without spoiling the story because he is such an integral part of the plot. But I can say that I found him quite charming and I admit to constantly hoping that he wouldn’t be all bad.

LK: It’s a (true) clichĂ© that the better the villain, the better the story. Levi was the most fun to write because we could express the rotten parts of ourselves through him. Also, that he had a good if distorted reason for doing what he does (which we won’t spoil, either) makes you realize that there are only so many emotions: some people use them well and others horribly. Seeing your own drives and resentments in a villain can be eye-opening and revelatory—not just about him but about yourself.

SK: I actually really like Levi, too! And he’s not all bad in that as Laurence says, he has a reason for his behavior. But like everyone in fiction and life, he has choices, and the decisions he makes have ramification. He’s flawed, but human.

Ello - I have to tell you that I think you need to write a whole other book just on the variants. I’ll even settle for a short story. I’m just so fascinated by them. What were they based on?

SK: To give you the heady answer, we were intrigued by the idea of discrimination in this world. It seems that people have always needed some other group to look down on and treat horribly… so what better than an entire people who are themselves victims of the environment? We also love the gender flexibility of Skar and her people – the idea that instead of hiding your hermaphroditism, you wear it proudly. It’s part of your identity. As a group, the variants represent a lot of good things– they’re disciplined, proud, and brilliant hunter/warriors – but we don’t sentimentalize them, either. They’re also suspicious, opportunistic, occasionally cruel, and hierarchical.

LK: Again, the notion of complexity in all the characters, so the audience doesn’t always know who to trust.

Ello – Would you be surprised if I told you that there was a biblical feel to your story? Very old testament. (we can take this question out if we don’t want to put any hint of religion in it.)

SK: It’s funny; we didn’t set out to create a Biblical story, but because it’s such a harsh and basic world, certain themes -- family relationships, limited resources, people wandering in the wilderness – just came up that seemed that way. As for some of the names – Sarah, Joseph, Levi, and so on – we were thinking about children having children who have children, and what they would still be naming them after thirty or so years. We thought the Bible would be an important book during apocalyptic times, and that might be reflected in the names people gave their offspring.

LK: These names would still be in the air, long after people would have forgotten the book they came from.

Ello – Please, please, can you give us a little teaser for what’s to come in the next books?

LK: No, we’re sorry. I’m just being silly; we can say this: the second book is a physical journey for Esther and other characters and the third book is their destination. Nothing goes smoothly and time is short.

SK: LOTS of surprises in both books… involving not only Esther, Caleb, Skar, and their friends, but new people they meet along the way. Even our editor was totally taken off guard!

Thank you so much!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Spring Cleaning Giveaway Hop

Last month Barry Lyga announced that he would offer bloggers a chance to giveaway signed copies of his books. I was lucky enough to get a copy of I Hunt Killers and Hero Type. So in this giveaway there will be two winners. Make sure to enter via rafflecopter and a big thanks to Barry Lyga!

Hero-type by Barry Lyga, Jonathan Todd Ross (Narrator)

Everyone is treating Kevin as a hero. He was in the right place and the right time and he saved a girl from being murdered. Only Kevin knows though, why he was able to save her. Things get even more complicated when Kevin is seen removing two patriotic “Support the Troops” ribbons from his car bumper. Now the town that lauded him as a hero turns on him, calling him unpatriotic. Kevin, who hadn't thought much about it up to then, becomes politically engaged, suddenly questioning what exactly supporting the troops or even saying the pledge of allegiance every day means.

I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1)by Barry Lyga

What if the world's worst serial killer...was your dad?

Jasper "Jazz" Dent is a likable teenager. A charmer, one might say.

But he's also the son of the world's most infamous serial killer, and for Dear Old Dad, Take Your Son to Work Day was year-round. Jazz has witnessed crime scenes the way cops wish they could—from the criminal's point of view.

And now bodies are piling up in Lobo's Nod.

In an effort to clear his name, Jazz joins the police in a hunt for a new serial killer. But Jazz has a secret—could he be more like his father than anyone knows?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I'm so happy to welcome Sherri L. Smith! When I first heard about ORLEANS I immediately thought about Katrina and then I opened my advance readers copy and I saw a letter. Most copies come with a press release, but ORLEANS also came with a letter from Sherri about her inspiration. I reached out to her publicist and asked if I could share it as part of her blog tour. There are a number of blog post out there but I hope you stop and read this one today. Please help me welcome Sherri L. Smith.

ORLEANS Author Letter from Sherri L. Smith 11/23/12

   When they tell you an evacuation is mandatory, they don't say that you are on your own. The assumption is you have a car, money, fuel and somewhere to go. You are able-bodied and the roads are clear, the airports open. But the fact is, the airports closed the day before. You live alone. You are diabetic and nearly seventy years old. The highways are packed and you are faced with a choice: weather a Category 3 hurricane in a your old truck in a traffic jam, or in the house you grew up in, the one on high ground that has withstood hurricanes for close to one hundred years. That was the decision my mother made when we spoke on the evening before Katrina made landfall. As the day continued, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin announced "they" would be going door-to-door to help the elderly and infirm. I convinced my mother to go with them when they came knocking. She packed her bags and waited by the door.

   No one ever came.

   When Katrina hit, a wooden beam punched through the roof of my mother's house and sent her running into the living room. Moments later, her bedroom ceiling came crashing down on top of her bed. It was more damage than the house had ever experienced, but she was okay. It was just another storm. We called her insurance company that morning. The phone rang and rang, but no one answered. And then the levees broke.

   My mother tried to leave New Orleans. Her truck was swamped by flood waters and she had to be rescued by a passing swamp boat. The next day, she walked a mile and half to the nearest drugstore in the hopes of finding more insulin and drinking water. The stores were closed but the looters were open for business, having done what the city, what FEMA, and what the Red Cross had failed to do. They had torn open the front of a Walgreens and set up an aid station. There were no meds available, but looters gave my mother enough drinking water to last the week.

   She was trapped in the city of her birth for four days while I scoured the internet looking for ways to rescue her. Terrified police officers were shooting people on bridges out of town. Gangs were patrolling their neighborhoods, protecting their turf when the law would not. Entering New Orleans seemed a fool's errand. Then, on the fifth day, with one dose of insulin left in her cooler, I made a desperate call to the Coast Guard. An hour later, my mother was picked up in an ambulance and driven to the airport. She was loaded onto a plane with a hundred other evacuees and flown to points unknown. At a Red Cross shelter, they gave her a debit card for $300. She flagged down a cab and returned to the airport. She had to ask the driver what city they were in: Charlotte, North Carolina.

   It took the rest of the day for her to reach me in Los Angeles. A week later, she was in the hospital with an infection caught from the flood waters, a fever that left her delirious and near death for a day and a night. But she survived that too.

   At some point during this time, I was driving home from work when I heard a voice in my head, the voice of another survivor. A girl who said, "O-Neg Davis, he beautiful." This was Fen. She was from New Orleans, but the city was no longer new. And bad things had happened—storms, violence, fever. There were no neighborhoods, only tribes, and they were segregated, not by race or poverty, but by blood. I dictated her words into my voicemail and Orleans was born.

   It was months before my mother and I were allowed back into the city. The Army Corp of Engineers had been through by then, covering wind-torn roofs with the ubiquitous blue tarps. But not my mother's house. Afraid of "damaging the roof," they left it uncovered and the house mildewed from the inside out. My mother passed away in New Orleans a week after the second anniversary of Katrina. She had just finished remodeling her home. As I tell people time and again, as they are now learning on the East Coast in the wake of Sandy, sometimes the aftermath is as deadly as the storm.

   Orleans is dedicated to my mother, Joan Marie Mack Smith. She was a grandmother, teacher and friend. A fighter, like Fen, and a caregiver, like Lydia. She and her city will live on.

Sherri L. Smith

Sherri L. Smith has written several award-winning novels for young adults. Flygirl (2010) won the California Book Award, was a YALSA Best Book for Young Adults, and has received fourteen State Award nominations. She lives near Los Angeles. For more information, visit her website at or her blog, The Middle Hundred, at She can be found on Twitter @Sherri_L_Smith.

One lucky winner will receive a Delta Relief Kit, complete with a signed ARC, a blood type ID dog tag, a glow stick, and the ever-crucial Snickers bar—everything you need to navigate ORLEANS, at least from the comfort of your armchair! (U.S. only)

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A Day With: Michelle Taormina (Graphic Designer & Illustrator)

Welcome to my new monthly feature "A Day With" where I invite someone in the book industry to walk us through their day. A Day With was inspired by Harper Bazaar’s “24 Hours With” it’s a monthly article in which a designer will talk about their daily routine. I hope you enjoy this new monthly series of posts!

Michelle Taormina - Graphic Designer & Illustrator
Twitter @mtrmina

Thursday Feb 21st 2013

8:30 am: Quiet Time

This is when my day begins. Well, when I get into work anyway. I wake up at 6:30 to get ready for my hour commute from Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn (It’s a real place, google map it) to 53rd street and 5th avenue. That is where the Harper Collins building resides.
The office is a ghost town at this time. I’m one of the few crazy people who would rather come into to work early, rather than an hour late. I check my Twitter, Facebook, make my fake coffee (Teecino) sometimes I mix some real coffee in there cause well, I need to wake the heck up. I eat my breakfast. All the while making a list of what I’m going to get done throughout the day, which is usually a pretty damn long list of book related activities.

10:00 AM Cover Meeting

We had one of our weekly cover meetings this morning, which I am always in charge of coordinating. This happens twice a week. The designers and editors meet to discuss cover design directions and ideas. Today I showed a few comps (compositions) I did for Suzanne Young’s new Harper Impulse title. Related to her A Need so Beautiful series. We don’t have a very big budget for these E-Pub titles so I was limited to searching for images on I shouldn’t say limited. They have an amazing array of Royalty Free images to purchase and I did find three gorgeous images. One of which was approved by all! Done and done! I love it when covers are easy. It so rarely happens.

I also showed new cover concepts for the paper back version of Patricia McCormick’s NEVER FALL DOWN. While I absolutely love what my art director and I did for the hard cover jacket. We were asked to redesign this for the paperback version. Not a problem! It’s never really a problem is it? You sort of have to bite your tongue and just say, “OK well what are you looking for this time around?” We do have a huge Newberry finalist sticker to place on the jacket so maybe a redesign isn’t such a bad idea. This is me looking on the bright side. Something you will learn to do as a designer. If you don’t a nervous breakdown will ensue. So learn it! Anyway, I digress. I showed new comps that were very different from what you see here. The editor had a clear favorite, so that means we move forward with that one and push it to look perfect. More color contrast, type variations, sticker positioning etc. Then I’ll bring it into the meeting next week for more feedback. Pray for me!

12:00 The Occasional Department Meeting.

I really love the people I work with and this rare meeting is one of the reasons why. I have worked at many publishing houses in my 7 years of designing book covers and I can not once recall ever having a staff meeting like this one. We all sat down and went over issues, hiccups, concerns that were circulating throughout the department. I guess you could say it was a a bit of a designer venting session. We like to talk it out here in the Childrens Design department. Kleenexes, hugs and all.
My amazing creative director takes notes and makes sure everything is dealt with in a tactful and swift fashion. It’s really amazing to have Art Directors and Creative Directors who stick up for their designers. That’s why I give them my all. They’ll fight for my designs, and any concerns I’m having within the company. I’m never afraid to speak my mind for fear of being fired. More offices should function this way. You all know who you are.


That was a stupidly long meeting. My stomach is making sounds I’ve never heard before. Luckily I have a lunch date with one of my good friends and fellow designers. We used to work together at Simon & Schuster. Those were good times. Anyway, being a Harper employee we get free access to MoMA (museum of modern art) which has an amazing cafĂ©. In short…awesome lunch with my buddy =)


I hope you’re still awake? I’m sorry I’m not a member of the Bigfoot Research Organization or a cast member on Mythbusters. You would probably not be so bored right now. But I promise it gets a little better.

Now I begin to design at my awesome stand/sit desk, so I’m not sitting on my bum all day! Exciting right?! Blood circulation is important, people! Anyway, I tend to wear many hats here at Harper (this is what my art director tells me). I do a lot of my own photo retouching and that is much of what I did today. I also created some hand lettered title options of one of my titles. I also like to search for new photographers and illustrators. I have a keenly trained eye when it comes to looking for the perfect image/model to use for a cover. It’s a gift, really. Everyone here has their own strengths and photo research and manipulation just so happen to be mine. I like making contacts with new talent. I try to reach out to anyone I feel will be a major asset to the beautiful covers we are working to create. Today I contacted 4 photographers for the new cover I’m designing for Kiersten White’s sequel to MIND GAMES. So excited about this title! And designing for an author like Kiersten is a joy! She always gives awesome shout-outs to her designers in her acknowledgements. Most authors don’t do this, which is a shame. Designers work really hard (time, attention, research, type solutions, blood, sweat, tears, migraines) to make your dream covers come true.

We have some wonderful in-house and out-of-house freelancers that I’m so grateful to have access to. I’ve learned to delegate my work. Give them projects I may not have the time to complete. They’re so helpful and wonderful. Love my freelancers!

What else did I do today? Oh yes. Another one of my many skills is organization which is why I’ve been put in charge of processing invoices. Today is invoice day. You might be saying to yourself, “but Michelle, you are a wonderful, amazing designer, why oh why would you be processing invoices?” Because I’m damn good at it that’s why. My Creative director refuses to let anyone touch them but me. I think I’ve done TOO GOOD of a job! Ugh! In all seriousness, I do a lot of freelance work outside of my 9-5 job so I know what it’s like to wait for a check from a big company like Harper. It could take forever!!!! And ever!!!! To get paid! People need to pay their bills and eat, so I like to see that they receive their payment in a timely fashion. You’re welcome.

5:00 If you are still reading this, I love you.

Today was a bit lengthy with the meetings. My work day is over. Now I’m heading to Cross Fit, then home before having dinner with some good friends (I have no freelance work tonight for a change). Then I’ll fill out a job application with Mythbusters before playing some lotro, reading Game of Thrones and going to sleep.

Thank you for spending the day with me

Your Friend,

I want to thank Michelle for walking us through her day! I learned a lot about the process and had so much fun reading about what her day! To learn more about Michelle you can visit her online at or on Twitter @mtrmina

Lunar Love Giveaway Hop

I'm thrilled to be part of the Lunar Love Giveaway Hop, because I get to share one of my favorite books from 2012. Born Wicked has had not one, but two gorgeous covers. Only with the new paperback cover does Born Wicked feature a moon, so it's perfect for this giveaway. If you don't win I would still recommend you go out and get this one because Star Cursed, the second book in the series, will be out in June and that will gives you plenty of time to read Born Wicked. All entries must be through rafflecopter.

About Born Wicked:

Everybody knows Cate Cahill and her sisters are eccentric. Too pretty, too reclusive, and far too educated for their own good. But the truth is even worse: they’re witches. And if their secret is discovered by the priests of the Brotherhood, it would mean an asylum, a prison ship—or an early grave.

Before her mother died, Cate promised to protect her sisters. But with only six months left to choose between marriage and the Sisterhood, she might not be able to keep her word... especially after she finds her mother’s diary, uncovering a secret that could spell her family’s destruction. Desperate to find alternatives to their fate, Cate starts scouring banned books and questioning rebellious new friends, all while juggling tea parties, shocking marriage proposals, and a forbidden romance with the completely unsuitable Finn Belastra.

If what her mother wrote is true, the Cahill girls aren’t safe. Not from the Brotherhood, the Sisterhood—not even from each other.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks to Kathy at I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Bookworm Lisa for hosting this giveaway hop!

Audio Review: Also Known As

Also Known As by Robin Benway

Type: Audio (Brilliance Audio) and Ebook (Netgalley)

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars

Also Known As is being pitched to "Ally Carter Fans", I understand its probably the teen spy thing, but it could not be more different. Also Known As is a really good book, but it's very different from the Heist Books. In Also Known As we meet Maggie, a safe cracker. She and her parents work for an organization called The Collective. They go around the world stopping things like human trafficking. They bring in Maggie to remove sensitive documents from safes. Her parents have always run the operation and Maggie just waits to be called in. Their next job will be Maggie's first big project when The Collective finds out that someone has information about them and plans on publishing the story. They send Maggie to the same school with the magazine owner's son. Her job is to get close to him and retrieve the data. Only Maggie has never been to school or has ever had to deal with kids her own age. Her parents are worried that it's too much for her to handle. Maggie finds herself getting in too deep and blurs the line between teenager and spy.

Also Known As is a fun contemporary novel that is definitely worth the read or listen. Just a fair warning though for the younger teen readers, there is some swearing, a drunken party and minor mention of drugs.

Audio: Author Robin Benway is the narrator for Also Known As. I think Robin did a great job! Who knows a book better than the author. I will say that there were some clicking noises. I'm not entirely sure if it was my cd or something during production, but if you listen to it at a loud volume it can get annoying. I listened in my car so I could hear it.

To listen to a sample visit:

Audio Review: Shadow and Bone

Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1) by Leigh Bardugo

Type: Audio book purchase

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars

Shadow and Bone is very different from what I normally read. With all the movie buzz surrounding it and Shadow and Bone hitting the New York Best Sellers list the same week it came out I knew I had to read it, but I'm still trying to find the time for all the books already on my shelf! When the Fierce Reads Tour came to town I picked up Shadow and Bone and it sat on my bookshelf for a while. I finally gave in and got the audio and finished Shadow and Bone in less than 24 hours. I couldn't put it down! I loved the details of the world, powers and clothes!

Alina is an orphan who isn't good at much, except being Mal's best friend. Mal is Alina's childhood friend and they've been inseparable their entire lives. Alina puts up with Mal going on and on about girls and adventures. One day Mal is in trouble and in her panic over his distres, Alina saves him. Only what they discover is that she does have a talent and it's one that could save everyone. Alina is sent to the castle to study and learn how to use her new powers. The entire time she was at the castle, I just kept hoping that she would be reunited with Mal.

Shadow and Bone is a story of friendship, finding yourself and fighting for what you believe in. The only plus to being so behind on my reading is that I don't have to wait long for Siege and Storm, the sequel to Shadow and Bone, which will be released June 4.

Audio: Lauren Fortgang, is the narrator, and does a great job. From the moment I started listening I was completely lost in the story. I hope that she will narrate Siege and Storm as well.

March What I'm Reading Now

Hi All! Here is my schedule. Feel free to join me and then we can discuss. Also I am always up for taking recommendations. If you check my blog often you will find I add and remove books just depending on my moods. What are you reading or looking forward to reading this month?

Currently Reading:

This one is just for fun so I'm reading it really slow
Currently Audio Book:

Next Book:

Next Audio:

Just Finished: