Also Known As by Robin Benway
Type: Audio (Brilliance Audio) and Ebook (Netgalley)
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Also Known As is being pitched to "Ally Carter Fans", I understand its probably the teen spy thing, but it could not be more different. Also Known As is a really good book, but it's very different from the Heist Books. In Also Known As we meet Maggie, a safe cracker. She and her parents work for an organization called The Collective. They go around the world stopping things like human trafficking. They bring in Maggie to remove sensitive documents from safes. Her parents have always run the operation and Maggie just waits to be called in. Their next job will be Maggie's first big project when The Collective finds out that someone has information about them and plans on publishing the story. They send Maggie to the same school with the magazine owner's son. Her job is to get close to him and retrieve the data. Only Maggie has never been to school or has ever had to deal with kids her own age. Her parents are worried that it's too much for her to handle. Maggie finds herself getting in too deep and blurs the line between teenager and spy.
Also Known As is a fun contemporary novel that is definitely worth the read or listen. Just a fair warning though for the younger teen readers, there is some swearing, a drunken party and minor mention of drugs.
Audio: Author Robin Benway is the narrator for Also Known As. I think Robin did a great job! Who knows a book better than the author. I will say that there were some clicking noises. I'm not entirely sure if it was my cd or something during production, but if you listen to it at a loud volume it can get annoying. I listened in my car so I could hear it.
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