The book opens in 1890, as a group of explorers arrive at a small, recently settled Pacific Northwest town of Port Bonita to launch an expedition of the nearby Olympic Mountain range that has thus far been untouched by white men. Besides the explorers, there is also a colorful cast of Indians, “celestials”, entrepreneurs, bar owners, prostitutes and social crusaders whose lives and personal struggles we glimpse from time to time. Fast forward 120 years to Port Bonita 2006. The small town has not grown to become a Seattle or Portland as some of the early settlers predicted; instead it and its residents remain as stagnant and dead as the dammed up Elwha River. Here we are introduced to some of the descendents of the 1890s Port Bonita, plus a plethora of other local denizens who make up this backwater town. Honestly, it’s hard to go into more detail than this vague summery because there are at least 30-40 characters with their own intricate and nuanced relationships and problems to follow and keep straight (perhaps a table at the beginning labeling the cast of characters would have been helpful?).

I kept wanting this book to commit to something. To its detriment, the reader is hard-pressed to say what the actual plot is. This is a book about too many things without a central conflict that drives it forward towards resolution. Plot threads and important twists seemingly disappear or are hastily resolved after a few hundred pages, leaving the reader to question why they were ever brought up in the first place. I can appreciate that the relationships and simple progression of time are really the driving force of the novel and not a single event, but I really feel like this book would have benefitted by simply focusing on just one of these time periods, since their link to each other is tenuous at best. This could have been a great historical fiction novel like The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet or Deadwood. Or it could have been a darkly comic contemporary novel about a group of pathetic losers like Skippy Dies or The Imperfectionists. Instead, it’s a muddy and unfocused mix of both.
Finally, perhaps this is me being nitpicky, but I really disliked the flood of branded products in this book (in fact KFC ends up playing a central role in this book). I generally hate any branded products and pop culture references in books because I feel like at best, this dates your novel and at worst it may leave your readers or future readers confused. It’s totally unnecessary and can be avoided by simply being more generic. I don’t mind if there is an occasional product reference in a book (like a character ordering a Coke at a diner), but I don’t want to feel like you sold space in your book to big companies for product placement.